A critical tenant problem with a unique solution at no cost to tenants
Keep manager in the know of your room preferences and condition of room in your previous/current residence
Tenants never have to repeat basic info like their bio data and data that hardly changes about yourself to any property manager again. Only focus on what matters and enjoy the added benefit of a digital experience.
Added extra-security layers and measures to ensure your data is shared with the actual property managers
Basic sign up details to confirm identity
This is an important step to ensure a "fill once, share multiple times to property mangers" solution as promised.
Go to property listings and find the address you live in or essentially create a new one, fill out property info of current address.
The last and final step is to select property you created or found and select what applies to you and await confirmation or feedback from property manager.
Yewodan's vision is to continuously revolutionize the traditional way property managers interact with their tenants. With our innovative platform, we aim to streamline the entire process of interaction making it convenient, private and desirable by property owners and tenants.